Pattan Temples

Village Pattan is situated on Srinagar Baramulla road at a distance of 28 km from Srinagar. This place is known for three ancient temples. Two of these ancient temples, presently in ruins are located on the right side of the road and are some 400 meters away from each other. Accordingly to Rajatarangini, King Samkaravarman built one temple known as Shankar Gauresha and his wife Queen Sugandha built other temple known as Sagandhesvara. Both of the temples are dedicated to Lord Shiva.

Each temple has a Cella, porches and a square chamber for lingam. The design of construction reveals a similarity to Mattan Temples. A short distance away from these two temples are some remains of another ancient temple, standing inside a spring, known as Ratnavardhanesa, believed to be built by Ratna Vardhan, King Samkaravarman’s minister. According to Pandit R.C. Kak, a boali (spring), whose waters are confined in three regular reservoirs, which are connected with each other, were excavated some time back.

Places of Worship in Kashmir by Chander M. Bhat | If you have any issues with this article please raise it immediately with mentioning details of the same.